Unscouted people can submit work to the Art Portal, but it will only appear on their own pages (and the Unscouted Art page that only scouted people can view) until they're approved by a scouted user. This helps reduce spam by making the entire system vouch-only.
People must be careful with who they scout, because if that person gets in trouble, the person who scouted them will also be held responsible (as they vouched for them).
You're scouted now, it appears.
Unscouted people can submit work to the Art Portal, but it will only appear on their own pages (and the Unscouted Art page that only scouted people can view) until they're approved by a scouted user. This helps reduce spam by making the entire system vouch-only.
People must be careful with who they scout, because if that person gets in trouble, the person who scouted them will also be held responsible (as they vouched for them).
thank you, im new here at newgrounds, although ive watched toons on here for years i just got my account last night.
thanks, ill stay out of everyone's hair